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Dental Implant in Sutherland Dental Clinic

Strong Bones For Cosmetic Dentistry

Strong and healthy bones are important for a number of reasons. This is especially important if you’re seeking cosmetic dentistry treatments such as fitted dental implants. Without strong bone density, you’re introducing early ageing and a degrading facial structure, and nobody wants to feel or look old before their time!

Bone density may change over time throughout childhood, adolescence and adult life. Your lifestyle plays an important role in keeping your bone strong.

Here, we break down four ways you can continue to stimulate bone density at home.

an image of a food diet

Eat More Vegetables

Consuming vegetables are healthy for a number of reasons, none more so than keeping your bone strong. Vegetables are low in calories and provide the required minerals and vitamins for strong and healthy teeth. Green and leafy vegetables are recommended, such as broccoli, kale and spinach.

Natural Calcium Foods

Alongside vegetables, make sure your meal contains the right amount of calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral for your bone and your enamel, located on the front surface of your teeth, which plays a vital role in keeping your teeth white and away from harmful bacterial substances. Through your diet, consider consuming the following foods:

  • Dairy products (Cheese, Milk and Yoghurt)
  • Leafy and green vegetables
  • Soya beans
  • Tofu
  • Sardines (Tuna and Salmon)

Engage In Regular Exercise

Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging and other forms of cardiovascular exercise are very beneficial in stimulating bone density. Bone is living tissue and it can change over time, and exercise adapts by building more bone density the more you exercise. Your teeth will thank you and reward you with a strong healthy smile.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking was one of the first risk factors in bone density. Smoking is linked to osteoporosis, and it generates molecules that attack your body, including your mouth, which can lead to your bones becoming weaker. Alcohol can also cause the same risk factors and it is important you reduce and eliminate these habits altogether.

cigarette smoking


Your lifestyle plays a vital role in making sure bone stays strong for healthy teeth. Strong bone density can play a role in your decision as to whether cosmetic treatments such as dental implants are worth the cost. Ultimately, it bows down to carrying out these key steps so that your smile will continue to shine. These steps are equally important as you age, and maintaining them will ensure ageing won’t impact your facial structure as you think. You may also speak to one of our helpful Sutherland dentists for further advice.

Are you seeking advice on cosmetic dentistry treatments? Contact us at Sutherland Dental to see if you’re eligible for treatment today!




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