Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm | Sat 8am-1pm

Dental emergencies can unexpectedly occur and typically happen with sporting injuries however can just as easily occur randomly. Most oral pain is usually quite painful, at the very least very disconcerting, but dental emergencies require immediate attention to ensure that your teeth are protected and no extensive damage is done.

If you try to push through the pain and avoid seeing a dentist for your dental pain it may result in further pain, damage to other teeth & more expensive treatment later on in life so we strongly recommend calling a dentist for any pain, crack or chip.

No matter whether you’re suffering from minor discomfort or severe tooth pain, our emergency dentists at Sutherland Dental will do the utmost best to fit you in for same-day emergency care, and provide immediate assistance and advice on treatment, no matter if it’s minor discomfort of severe tooth pain.

What should you do in a Dental Emergency?

At Sutherland Dental, we are always on hand to acknowledge dental emergencies and it is recommended that you get in touch to seek immediate professional assistance. Our emergency services are always open 24 hours a day, but please be aware that our dentists may not be immediately available to operate at the time which you need it.

To contact Sutherland Dental Emergency Services, click here.

The Sutherland Dental Emergency Approach

From the dental pain you experience, our helpful dentists are ready to support you with the very latest equipment making treatments faster and easier to carry out. Your dental emergency probably includes the below, if it doesn’t let us know what you are feeling.

  • Broken or Fractured Teeth
  • Gum Abscesses
  • Wisdom Teeth Inflammation
  • Losing a Filling or Crown
  • Jaw Injuries
  • Soft-Tissue damage
  • Bleeding Gums or Gum Disease

After assessing your dental emergency, we will recommend the best form of treatment, with the vision of improving your oral health for the long-term.


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