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Man with tooth taken out

Reduce Bone Loss For Missing Teeth

No matter whether if you’ve had a tooth removed due to a physical accident, decay, via wisdom tooth extraction or through other common causes, your bone density will be impacted. Whilst bone loss is naturally common amongst the older generation, it can also become a serious problem to your surrounding teeth as a young adult as well.

The jawbone plays the role of securely holding the tooth root in place. When a tooth is extracted or lost, the bone tissue recedes because the tooth root has been removed, losing bone cells. It can impact your neighbouring teeth as they shift out of position. You’re at greater risk of periodontal disease if your bone is too weak.

The dentist can perform a bone density test to measure the amount of grams calcium and other minerals within your bone, which are vital properties to keep bone strong.

There are steps you can take at home as well to minimize bone deterioration, keep your teeth strong and your smile shining even if you’ve lost a tooth.Lady-Brushing-Teeth

Strong Oral Hygiene

A strong oral hygiene routine keeps all the bad stuff away. The best way to protect your teeth and smile is to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Along with this, ensure you regularly visit the dentist for a check-up. It is vitally important to do so especially if you’ve lost a tooth. The dentist can examine whether you require bone grafting surgery to improve the strength of your bone, but can also make sure your teeth are healthy and provide dental advice to preserve and increase bone tissue.

Avoid Tobacco

If you’re a regular smoker and you’re missing a tooth, this is a red-alert combination. Cigarettes, chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes can affect the bone structure and increase the likelihood of periodontal disease and bone loss. Deep cleaning and bone grafting surgery can help improve your bone density, but it can become quite expensive. Therefore, consider quitting smoking as you’ll also save money in the long run.

Dental Implants

Understandably, dental implants are an expensive form of treatment. Although, they’re not like any other temporary replacement such as dentures or bridges. This is because implants are designed to function exactly like your natural teeth. The implant infuses into the jawbone which enhances the stimulation of the bone tissue, limiting bone loss and returning a straight, shiny smile in the process.

Dental implant to replace missing tooth

Balanced Diet

The two key nutrients to strengthen bones are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium helps to support bone strength, and vitamin D supports bone growth. Avoid consuming sugar or starchy foods as it is well known how bad they are for your oral health. To avoid fast ageing, maintain a strong structure to the face and maintain proper mouth functioning, ensure you eat calcium-rich and vitamin foods such as dairy, cheese, milk, eggs, leafy vegetables, tofu and nuts.

It is not the end of the world if you have a missing tooth. If you maintain strong oral hygiene, eat foods that strengthen teeth and bones, drop the bad habits such as smoking and regularly visit the dentist for a check-up, your smile can still shine through.

Are you worried about a missing tooth? Is it damaging your confidence? Contact us at Sutherland Dental and let one of our knowledgable and helpful dentists restore your confidence and restore a healthy smile.


Dr Peter Kennedy

Dr. Peter Kennedy, a dedicated dentist in Sutherland, has over 30 years of experience serving the local community. A Sydney University graduate, he stays updated on the latest dental advancements through continuous education. In his free time, Dr. Peter Kennedy enjoys sports, woodworking, furniture building, and model railways.

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