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The Signs And Causes Of Tooth Erosion

When you look in the mirror and see a white and shiny smile, it is easy to think that your teeth are protected from any damage. Having that attitude is actually more dangerous than you think. Even if your oral health habits are strong, an attack on teeth can arrive out of nowhere.

One of the more common attacks on teeth is an acid attack. High levels of acid are present within many foods and drinks which can be just as harmful. Acid attacks can wear away your teeth, leading to decay and discolouration.

An acid attack on teeth sounds quite dangerous and we’re unable to see the effects of tooth erosion without a check-up at the dentist.

Read on below to learn the causes of tooth erosion.


Citrus Food And Drink

Snacking on fruits such as oranges, lemon and lime can wear down teeth. It is recommended that you consume citrus in moderation, diluted with water to reduce the impacts of acid on your teeth. Read here to learn more about how lemon damages teeth.


Sugar contains high levels of acidity, and it promotes the growth of acid particles through plaque and bacteria. Therefore, reduce your sugar levels in your diet. Sodas, candy and wine are prime examples of high sugar intake.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, apples and dates can stick to teeth causing plaque and bacteria build-up. The bacteria will penetrate in your mouth and cause the acidic particles to produce, harming your teeth the longer the particles stay there.


Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to frequent vomiting episodes. This leads to reflux of acids that produce from the stomach. Alcoholic drinks are typically mixed with a fizzy drink which only increases the levels of acid in the mouth.

If your diet and lifestyle conform to one or more of the above, it is never too late to change it to preserve the long-term health of your teeth. As part of a dental check-up, the dentist will always observe any signs of cavity or decay because these are the two triggers of tooth erosion.



At your dental check-up, the dentist will look for the following signs:

  • Tooth Sensitivity – The dentist will ask whether you’re experiencing any pain or sensitivity in the mouth. If you experience a twinge of pain when talking, eating or drinking, it is likely the enamel is wearing away causing sensitivity.
  • Discolouration – When the enamel is attacked, the underlying dentin becomes exposed making your teeth yellow. This is a sign of acid erosion.
  • Cracks and Chips – Small cracks and chips in and around the edges of teeth can appear. This is a sure sign that the bacteria from food is causing your teeth to erode as the acid builds up inside.
  • Tooth Decay – A tooth becomes decayed if food particles remain on teeth. The food particles turn into bacteria which is a trigger for acid to form. The cause of this is poor oral hygiene.

Final Thoughts…

Tooth enamel cannot grow back and is therefore irreversible. Enamel erosion takes time to wear down the teeth. Therefore, if it is identified that you have some enamel erosion, you can prevent this from getting worse.

Are you experiencing enamel erosion? Our exceptional dentists at Sutherland Dental are best placed to deliver the treatment you need to save your oral health. Contact us now to book an appointment.


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