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Natural Remedies To Remove Tartar At Home

Natural Remedies To Remove Tartar At Home

Do your teeth regularly go through tartar buildup, and are you wondering how to remove it? Many patients seek to understand tartar removal at home, and whilst it is advised that a dentist should remove tartar, can you perform tartar removal at home, though?

Let’s first examine what tartar is and how it forms.

What Is Tartar?

Calculus, another name for tartar, is a hardened substance that develops from dental plaque. Dental plaque, which is softer and thinner and develops from sugar and germs from food, is the first stage of its production.

If dental plaque is not removed, it will harden into tartar, a dark substance that settles between your teeth as a brown colour. When tartar hardens itself, it can be difficult to clean when just brushing your teeth in the morning and at night.

In addition to foods that cause tooth plaque, smoking can cause tartar to develop.

Is Tartar Considered Harmful?

You shouldn’t disregard tartar build-up as a material that “coats your teeth.” Tartar encourages the formation of more plaque, and the bacteria that live inside release acids that can damage your enamel and lead to a dental cavity.

Your gums might be affected by tartar by becoming inflamed and swollen. Gingivitis is brought on by the initial stage of gum disease. If your gums are inflamed, you can also suffer bleeding, which might be a sign of more serious problems.

Tartar stains your teeth, and there is nothing worse than smiling with teeth coated with harmful substances. 

Can Tartar Be Removed At Home?

One of the key questions asked is can you perform tartar removal at home? For a complete cleaning, a visit to the dentist is usually advised so the dentist can scrape the tartar off your teeth and give them a clean. Tartar removal between the teeth and gums can be painful, but getting your smile back to how you want it will be necessary and worthwhile.

However, there are certain remedies you can try at home that could do the trick.

  • Baking Soda – Tartar deposits can be removed with the use of baking soda’s mild abrasives. You’ll need to shape the paste and apply it to your toothbrush. Notably, toothpaste and this should not be combined.
  • White Vinegar – White wine vinegar and a warm, salty beverage also work. Once a day, the combination would need to be gargled.
  • Orange Peels – Orange peels have antibacterial qualities that help prevent plaque and tartar from forming. You can wipe the orange peel over the spots on your teeth where tartar has built up.
  • Aloe Vera – Because it also has antibacterial characteristics, aloe vera can efficiently eliminate tartar from your teeth. A glass of water, five teaspoons of baking soda, and four teaspoons of glycerine should be combined with the gel.
  • Vitamin C Foods – Because they are high in vitamin C and contain antibacterial qualities, strawberries and tomatoes can help keep tartar and plaque buildup at bay. Apply a paste made from mashed strawberries and tomatoes to your teeth. Five minutes should pass for it to rest before being washed off. Repeat twice weekly until you see a change.

Make Sure That You Floss Regularly…

Whilst this is a remedy of sorts, it is important that as part of a strong oral routine you floss your teeth as well. When flossing your teeth, you’re removing pigments formed between the gaps of your teeth. Pigments from food that stay between your teeth are the culprit of dental plaque and tartar build-up. You can avoid tartar by flossing every day before brushing your teeth.

The final thing would be to visit the dentist regularly for a check-up. It is important that you don’t neglect dental visits as the tartar can be scraped off professionally and safely. 

If you’ve performed tartar removal at home yet need further support with your smile, get in touch with Sutherland Dentist and get your smile to shine.


Dr Peter Kennedy

Dr. Peter Kennedy, a dedicated dentist in Sutherland, has over 30 years of experience serving the local community. A Sydney University graduate, he stays updated on the latest dental advancements through continuous education. In his free time, Dr. Peter Kennedy enjoys sports, woodworking, furniture building, and model railways.

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